
Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 28: A Certain Doom by Robert Kirkman

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 28: A Certain Doom by Robert Kirkman

In the aftermath of The Whisperer War–ALL IS LOST as Rick and all of Alexandria fight for survival against the largest horde of walkers they’ve ever faced. Where we last left Rick and the gang, Rick was informing the survivors that the Whisperers had a herd of thousands of walkers.  Unfortunately, the mega herd is […]

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 27: The Whisper War by Robert Kirkman

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 27: The Whisper War by Robert Kirkman

The time has come. The forces are aligning. The war has begun! Has Rick brought about the demise of everything he’s built? Or will he triumph once again? Know this… there will be a cost. I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve had this volume since the day it came out and I never made time […]

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 26: Call to Arms by Robert Kirkman

After being betrayed by members of his own community, Rick Grimes charts a new course and marshals his forces against the Whisperers. I find myself struggling with this current storyline. I know that it’s lasting about as long as every other major plot line in this series, but this war with the Whisperers just seems […]

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 25: No Turning Back by Robert Kirkman

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 25: No Turning Back by Robert Kirkman

After a devastating act of war by the Whisperers, Rick must chart a path for his community. But when his leadership is questioned, how will he respond? I found myself less than inspired by this particular volume. As has happened several times throughout the series, there are high points and low points. The low points […]

Review: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Review: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one. Now, it’s the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who […]

Review: The Walking Dead Volume 8 Made to Suffer by Robert Kirkman

Review: The Walking Dead Volume 8 Made to Suffer by Robert Kirkman

They thought they were safe in the prison. They were wrong. A force far more deadly than the walking dead is at their door and when the dust settles, their rank will be reduced by more than half. No one is safe! After everything Rick and the group have had to deal with to survive, […]

Review: Wolfen by Alianne Donnelly

Review: Wolfen by Alianne Donnelly

Man’s quest for genetic perfection has led to the creation of new subspecies, evolutionary steps up from humanity. Wolfen were the pinnacle of scientific achievement, redefining the limits of what it means to be human. Their counterparts, in turn, grew into the ultimate predators. Incapable of higher thought, converts were unstoppable in their need to […]

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 24: Life and Death by Robert Kirkman

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 24: Life and Death by Robert Kirkman

As the fair opens at Alexandria, old friends return from afar and new adversaries make their introductions. So it seems my hope that the Whisperers could find a way to be amicable with Rick and the rest of the colonies was short lived. It’s hard to describe them, because at times they almost seem savage-like. […]

Review: Invasion by Robert Kirkman & Jay Bonansinga

Review: Invasion by Robert Kirkman & Jay Bonansinga

Out of the ashes of a devastated Woodbury, Georgia, two opposing camps of ragtag survivors develop – each one on a collision course with the other. Underground, in the labyrinth of ancient tunnels and mine shafts, Lilly Caul and her motley crew of senior citizens, misfits, and children struggle to build a new life. But […]

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 23: Whispers Into Screams by Robert Kirkman

Review: The Walking Dead Vol. 23: Whispers Into Screams by Robert Kirkman

The new era of peace and prosperity is interrupted by a new type of enemy. One that travels amongst the walkers. One that will turn whispers of their appearance to screams. This is a particularly interesting volume because the majority of it actually takes places away from Rick and the majority group. In fact, it […]