Reading Challenges

40 Books by 40

40 Books by 40

For a lot of people, the idea of getting older is appalling. They fret when they find their first grey hair or notice the first wrinkle. As I approach my 40th birthday, I find that I am not ashamed when I say I’m almost 40. It doesn’t bother me to get older, because I realized […]

2016 New to Me Series Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

2016 New to Me Series Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

  It’s New to Me Series Starter Challenge is hosted by Lisa Loves Literature. It’s pretty well known that I have a problem with series. I’m addicted to them and typically once I get started, I don’t stop no matter how mad the series makes me. Sad, I know. But it’s been a few years […]

2016 New Release Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

2016 New Release Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

The 2016 New Release Challenge is hosted by Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews and Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! I’m not really one of those bookworms who tends to keep track of a ton of new books throughout the year. I suppose that probably makes me a bad bookworm, but unless it’s an author […]

2016 Dystopia Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

2016 Dystopia Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

The 2016 Dystopia Reading Challenge is hosted by Tracy @ Cornerfolds and Claudia @ My Soul Called Life I’ll admit, I’m a bit burned out on the whole dystopia phenomena that has encompassed our entertainment industry for the past decade or so. However, that doesn’t mean I’m against trying to find new dystopian books to […]

2016 Horror Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

2016 Horror Reading Challenge – Mid-Year Update

The 2016 Horror Reading Challenge is hosted by Tracy @ Cornerfolds and Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! When I first embarked on this challenge, I was still reading a ton of Fear Street novels as part of my childhood rereading. As such, I went back and forth about counting them as part of […]

COYER: Summer Vacation Sign Up Post

COYER: Summer Vacation Sign Up Post

A few months ago, I finished my winter COYER challenge and I was so excited to exceed my goal for it. Fortunately, they are hosting a a summer version of the challenge, only this time it’s with a twist! Since this one is going to last eleven weeks and I have been averaging about three […]

April Reading Challenge Updates

April Reading Challenge Updates

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any updates about the reading challenges I have been doing. Last month I was swamped with a new job and an upcoming surgery. But I’ve decided that I’m no longer going to do individual reading challenge updates. Maybe if I decide to do the next Coyer, I’ll make […]

2016 Horror Reading Challenge – February Update

2016 Horror Reading Challenge – February Update

The 2016 Horror Reading Challenge is hosted by Tracy @ Cornerfolds and Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! I was iffy about this challenge. As much as I love horror, I don’t think I read a ton of horror books. But as I was going through books from the last few years, I realized […]

#30DayReadingIndie Challenge Stars Tomorrow!

#30DayReadingIndie Challenge Stars Tomorrow!

Hey everyone! So tomorrow is the start of The Book Enthusiast’s 30 Day Reading Indie Challenge. I’m going to be one of the blogging hosts, but since my reading schedule is still backed up, I won’t be able to participate in the actual reading parts. However, I do want to give you all the option […]

2016 New Release Challenge – February Update

The 2016 New Release Challenge is hosted by Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews and Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! It’s been a slow start for me when it comes to this challenge. I have plenty of new releases to get to, but with my concussion last month, I’ve been backing off e-books some. Sometimes […]