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A Lemon Tea Cozy Mystery

Witch You Wouldn't Believe: Lemon Tea Cozy Mysteries Series, Book 1

Welcome to Lemon Bliss, Louisiana where an abandoned lemon tea factory is the most happening place in town and witches secretly rule the roost. 

Violet Broussard gets called back to the hometown she left in the dust when a dead body is found in the abandoned factory bequeathed to her by her grandmother. Violet has plans, big plans, and they most definitely don’t involve staying in Lemon Bliss any longer than necessary. The town is mostly famous for its lemon tea infused with enough alcohol to make one experience bliss, hence the town’s name. 

Loopy lemon tea, witches and wackiness abound in this cozy mystery.

It’s not often that I just randomly pick a book out of the blue anymore. In a time where I work all the time, I find that I am becoming more and more selectively in what I am willing to read. However, I recently went onto my local library’s app and just typed in the word ‘Louisiana’ (which is my home state) and then chose the mystery genre. This is how I became aware of this short three book series by Lucy May.

This series is a cute starter series. It contains lots of the common cozy mystery tropes that we have all come to love (food, crazy locals, potential love interest, and constantly explaining small town life). It was entertaining and interesting enough that I listened to all three books in two days during my spring break.

On the positive side, it’s an easy listen and it has many of the cozy mystery elements that I really enjoy. As a mom, educator, coach, etc., sometimes I need something that is light and bit “fluffy” to enjoy while I’m working or trying to balance the dozens of commitments/tasks/jobs that I need to get through. This book series definitely fit that bill and made it so I could be entertained while I was being productive.

Of course, that means if you are looking for a more in-depth mystery that will have you constantly reflecting on the “whodunit,” this is not the book series for you.

There were two things that did bother me throughout the series. The first is Violet. I know, I know. How can I recommend a book if I have a problem with the main character? Trust me, there is some method to my logic. Violet is an okay protagonist. She serves her role well as the local girl who has returned to her hometown to uncover the truth of the mystery. However, she is a royal pain in the butt when it comes to her relationship with her mother and their coven. She is constantly believing that they are responsible for what has happened, and there is only so many times you can go after the same red heron. Which leads me to my other issue with the series: the conclusion.

When I read a mystery, I enjoy trying to figure out what happened and I pride myself on trying to figure it out before the author reveals the truth. I was highly disappointed in the reveal of all three novels. Even now, I’m trying to figure out how to explain my issue without spoiling the book. Let’s just say, that mysteries can’t be easily explained away, and sometimes authors are afraid to make the truth be a little more devious.

I would be interested in trying some of Lucy May’s other series. I find that sometimes I like newer series more than their first. They grow in their writing and they learn how to develop better settings, plots, and make it so the reader is more invested.

I would recommend this series to someone who is looking for that light and fluffy read that doesn’t require a lot of investment or thought. It’s definitely a great series to have on while you are cleaning or doing mindless work around the house, or driving around for long periods of time. However, if you enjoy cozy mysteries and read a lot of them, you might not be that interested in this book. Also, if you are looking for a lot of supernatural elements, this is not the series for you. The supernatural elements seem to be a side note.

If you have read the books or decide to check them out, please let me know what you thought!

Click the image below to check them out!

About Kristine

As an aspiring author, avid bookworm, fitness fanatic and dedicated mother, there just aren't enough hours in the day. I write or post about things I'm passionate about and spend my time trying to make the most of every day. Life may be a tough journey, but I have my ruby red slippers and am content on skipping along this yellow brick road until the end of the line.

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